

on openCard
  put number of this card &"/"& number of cards into field "page"
end openCard
on openStack
  set the textArrows to false
end openStack


on openCard
  repeat with n=3 to number of  background buttons
    get field n
    if it  is not empty then
      show bkgnd button n
      hide bkgnd button n
    end if
  end repeat  
  pass openCard
end openCard
on selected itemNum
  put itemNum + 2 into buttonNum
  clearOtherButton buttonNum
  set the hilite of  bkgnd button buttonNum to true
  put itemNum into field "回答"
end selected
on clearOtherButton num
  repeat with n=3 to number of  background buttons
    if  n is not  num  then
      set the hilite of  bkgnd button n to false
    end if
  end repeat
end clearOtherButton


on mouseUp
  selected 1
end mouseUp
Copyright: 栗田隆
Contact: 栗田隆 Email: <KURITA@kansai-u.ac.jp>
Last Updated: 1996年 1月 23日 (火)