on openStack global AC_ON global saveUserLevel, saveTextArrows AddColor install start using stack "Color Tools" -- ニ put true into AC_ON send "AddColorInit" to stack "Color Tools" -- ニ reset menubar start using stack "ResourceForLecture" send "startLecture" to stack "ResourceForLecture" put the userLevel into saveUserLevel put the textArrows into saveTextArrows set the textArrows to true pass openStack end openStack ------------- on closeStack global saveUserLevel, saveTextArrows lock screen set the userLevel to saveUserLevel set the textArrows to saveTextArrows send "endLecture" to stack "ResourceForLecture" AddColor remove end closeStack -------------- on openCard Send colorMe to this card if the short name of this bkgnd is "Lecutre" then openLecture pass openCard end openCard ------------ on closeCard lock screen if the short name of this bkgnd is "Lecutre" then closeLecture pass closeCard end closeCard ------------ on openBackground if the short name of this bkgnd is "Lecture" then openBkgndLecture pass openBackground end openBackground ---------- on setMenuBar setMenuBarLecture end setMenuBar ---------- on colorMe AddColor colorCard,stamp,30 end colorMe ---------- on getNextStack return("民法入門1A") end getNextStack
on mouseUp goPrevious end mouseUp
on mouseUp goNext end mouseUp
on mouseUp lecture end mouseUp
on mouseUp setMenuBar end mouseUp